Songs for Saplings: Questions With Answers Children’s CDs

We create lively, fun songs that attempt to deliver the deepest of Biblical truth in a format that your children will love to listen to! Songs for Saplings

In February of last year, I wrote a rave review of Songs for Saplings ABCs music CD we LOVE it! In fact, I love it so much that when we moved and I found out my CD had been left behind with my CD player (I wont name any names but someone I know and love forgot it) I went straight to iTunes and purchased it again. Its THAT good. Now Im here to share three more of their CDs with you, the Questions With Answers series!

About the CDs:

Volume One: God and Creation contains the truths about God and His creation including: what God did, why he did it, who we are, and how we should think and act.

Volume Two: The Fall and Salvation talks about what went wrong with the world, and what God did to fix it. It explains where sin leads and how God saves.

Volume Three: Christ and His Work explains why God sent Jesus, what work Jesus did to accomplish our salvation, and what He does still today. It explains about Jesus nature, what his roles (offices) are, and how he reconciled us to God.

My Thoughts:

The first test, of course, is whether my 3-year-old (almost) daughter enjoyed this CD. And it totally passed because she absolutely loves it! Dana Dirksen and a group of very talented young singers are accompanied by guitar and it is simply lovely to listen to. Emma sings along, even though she still doesnt know all of the words yet, but there are songs that are simple enough for her to understand such as Who Made You? on the first CD, Volume 1: God and Creation. That first CD really does have the simplest songs and is the CD I would start with if you have toddlers or very young children. The lyrics in the songs answer questions such as Who is God?, Will God Ever Die?, Why Did God Make You?, and Will God Ever Die? They did a terrific job sticking to scripture with the answers, too! Each CD addresses a different topic or theme and the questions start getting more advanced as you progress through the CDs.

I really really recommend these CDs we love them and love the fact that theyre reinforcing scripture in my little girl. I am really impressed and will definitely be purchasing any future releases from Songs for Saplings!

Listen to samples of the CDs by clicking on the title of the CD above. You can also listen to them on iTunes.

Ready to Buy?

You can purchase each CD separately for $12.75 each or in a bundle of 3 for $32.00. Click here to see all purchasing options at Songs for Saplings. You can also purchase on iTunes for $9.99 each!

Upcoming Release Announcement & Songs for Saplings on Facebook!

Im thrilled to be able to tell you that theres a new release on the horizon: Songs for Saplings: 123! You can learn more about this CD and listen to song samples on the Songs for Saplings Facebook Fan Page (very worth liking!).

I would like to thank Songs for Saplings for sending me the CDs reviewed above in order that I might give you a thorough review. This post is 100% my own opinion, thoughts, and experiences, and was not edited or reviewed by anyone. I do not feel obligated to write a positive review Ill always share my honest thoughts on products.I was not compensated monetarily for this post.