Rock Painting, Sensory Tubs, Colored Rice, & Peg Board Fun!

This is a combination of the games and activities weve done over the last two weeks. First, I wanted to show you this Learning Resources Rainbow Peg Play Activity Set I bought with a gift card a few months ago. Emma LOVES it!

It comes with a double-sided peg board (soft, light, flexible, kind of like corkboard I think), two shoe laces, and equal numbers of colored pegs. Kids can stack, sort by color, string them together, and play the games included in the instructions. This is a definite favorite. 🙂

Another thing I really wanted to try was dying rice different colors so easy and so rewarding! I went with two Spring colors, blue and green. Then I made a sensory tub, something Ive been wanting to try for awhile. I used an oversized hat box and threw in some things from the kitchen. There have been some minor spills, but nothing my Dyson handheld cant handle. 🙂

What kid doesnt like to play with something messy like this?

I decided we needed something else for the sensory tub so we went rock-gathering outside. After we had collected about 15 or so, we brought them in and set to work painting!

Emma really got into this activity she loves to paint!

I admit I painted a few, too. 🙂 It was fun!

Some of them ended up in her sensory tub and some are on my windowsill above the kitchen sink. 🙂

Did you do anything fun with your kids last week?