How I Sewed My First Pillows In Spite Of Myself!

Im so excited about this look what I made! My first pillows!

These pillows are double-sided. Each of them has the floral bird fabric on the front and a contrasting fabric on the back.

Are they perfect? Heavens, no! But theyre MINE, theyre beautiful, theyre totally flawed, and I LOVE them! 🙂

So How Did I Do It?

I dont have a photo tutorial for you because I was totally winging it. I know I didnt do it all right for instance, I couldnt find a regular needle so that I could hand-stitch the opening after I stuffed it. So I, being a very impatient person and being unable to leave my project half-finished until I obtained a needle, used my sewing machine. This resulted in a rather messy stitching, but honestly I dont think it matters! I think it gives them character. And it was very fast, which I totally approve of. 😉

But heres a simple step by step:

1. I bought this set of half-yard Michael Miller fabric from Sew Materialistic on Etsy.

You could also purchase four fat quarters.

2. I cut a 16 x 16 square of each fabric using a rotary cutter, a ruler, and a fabric cutting mat. It took me a long time to figure out how big I wanted my pillows to be in retrospect I would make them bigger for the couch. Oh well! Ill make more.

3. I read a lot online about pillow corners and how they can turn into floppy dog ears that have no stuffing in them. So I took a cup and traced around each corner, then cut off the pointy corners, resulting in round corners.

4. I paired the fabric squares together, right sides together (the unpretty sides of the fabric facing out), and sewed almost all the way around the square, leaving a hand-sized gap for stuffing later.

5. I turned the almost pillows inside out and stuffed them with polyfill.

6. I looked EVERYWHERE for a needle so that I could handsew the gap closed. To no avail. So I desperately used the sewing machine and although it was hard (I had to re-sew a few times to catch missing gaps) it worked!

And ta-da! Pillows! Even my toddler adored them. 🙂

Do you have a crafty post or tutorial to share? Leave a link to it in the comments! 🙂

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Vintage graphic from Free Pretty Things for You and edited by me thank you!