My Toddler has a Sense of Humor! *gasp*

Who knew raising a kid could be this fun? lol Im cracking up daily at the antics of my now 18-month-old daughter, Emma. Shes got the funniest sense of humor! Its a joy to watch that develop in her, see her becoming her own little person. Okay, so maybe shes always been her own little person. You dont realize that they already are in the womb, lol. Did she think it was funny to kick my ribs black and blue for the entire last half of my pregnancy AND while I was in labor? Probably.
Putting together her mini kitchen. (Review and giveaway to come!)
Oh, she is so my child.
Yup, unmistakably.

If you have a moment, leave a comment –
Itll make me jump up and down for joy! 🙂