Jane Eyre Word Art (Free Printable)

I woke up at 2 a.m. to a screaming child. After I had fed him and put him back to sleep, I found that being screamed at in the face while frantically trying to find that elusive pacifier had jarred me into wakefulness. So, of course, I got on the computer. Wordle.net was sitting there, waiting for me to create some word art. I decided that some Jane Eyre word art would be perfect for this time of year (creepy gothic romance), so I spent the next hour looking for the perfect words and phrases from Jane Eyre quotes I found online. I was very much the perfectionist when it came to colors, layout, and font. It was fun! So heres what I came up with. Click the link below to print it off for yourself, or you can enlarge the image above and print it if you want.

Wordle: Jane Eyre

Have you read Jane Eyre?

This is the book that made me fall in love with great classic literature and gothic romances. 🙂

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