Isaac is One Month Old! Already?!?!
Actually hes 5 weeks. But seriously, where has the time gone?
By the way, I bought these monthly onesie stickers from Etsy and I love them! I originally wanted a set of those number onesies but this is even better (and much more affordable at only $9.00 for the entire set of stickers). As you can see here, I just stuck it over a onesie I already had you can still see the rocket fire but I didnt realize until I had put the onesie on him that the sticker wouldnt completely cover the design on the onesie already. And do you know what a pain it is to get a onesie on a floppy newborn? LOL I was too lazy to go find a different one.
But oh my word, they make such cute pictures! 🙂
All About Isaac
He HATES tummy time.
In a clearly rebellious move, he can roll from his stomach to his back and has been able to since a little over 3 weeks old. This generally doesnt happen until babies are about 3 months old so he must be a strong little guy!
He can hold his head up pretty well now.
He loves being rocked and is getting to the point where he wants attention constantly now he even enjoys diaper changes because theres someone to look at!
He is cooing and gurgling a lot hes a talker!
He cant sleep in his bassinet at night unless hes being swaddled, and he can already escape out of a blanket swaddle I have to use the velcro or zip-up types or hell keep waking himself up with flailing arms.
He practically lives in his swing I dont know what I would do without it! It soothes him, he loves it. And I love it because it gives me a break to cook, clean, or do whatever I need to get done.
I purchased the onesie stickers myself the Etsy shop doesnt even know Im posting this.
Category: Parenting