Cooper’s Pack: Travel Guide Adventures for Kids! (Review)

I love to travel through books both fiction and nonfiction. I was kind of a weird teen I think because when I went to the library, along with the normal fictional reads I checked out travel guides and books on far-away places (always with lots of pictures). Coopers Pack is a series of books for kids that features a cuddly-looking main character, Cooper, who shares his travels in a fun journal-like manner. So far Emma and I have followed Coopers travels through London, Seattle, New York City, and Alaska. There are colorful photos galore, fun facts about people and places, and basically everything you would want to know before you visit. We learned a lot about each place and loved it! The London book is my favorite because I really want to visit England someday:

Cooper meets up with a new friend in London and gets an awesome tour!

At the back of each book there are visuals and fun facts, details on some of the sights seen throughout the book, and theres even a place to put your own photos and notes when you visit.

Final Thoughts: I loved these books and can recommend them for kids ages 3 and up I dont even want to put an age limit on them because I enjoyed reading them, too! Emma (almost 4) sat through the whole book and was very interested in seeing everything Cooper encountered on his travels (even if she couldnt possibly have understood it all), so it does keep your interest! Very much recommended. 🙂

More About Coopers Pack:

There are over 100 hidden bones for kids to search for throughout each book love that feature!
Cooper is on Facebook! Become a fan here.
You can buy a stuffed Cooper or any of his friends he meets on his travels at the Coopers Pack Online Store.

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You can buy the Coopers Pack books and stuffed animals on!

Disclosure: The product reviewed in this post has been provided to my family for us to keep in exchange for an honest review. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the company or the free product provided.
